Friday, June 6, 2008


Well it's the end of week two at the Late Late Show intern boot camp as I like to call it. I was both ecstatic and nervous to see the lovely Kristin Davis (Charlotte on Sex and the City) in person before she went on the show Tuesday. It is so weird to see celebrities when they aren't on TV. I also met the three other interns. They are all from the East coast. We have been pretty busy this last week-we taped five shows along with some extra footage to air at a later date. I am trying to not be in anybody's way, but also find a balance of when to ask if I can help. I do a lot of research, mostly finding footage of potential guests on the internet so the woman who books guests can determine if they will be a good on-camera interview. It's sort of like finding the "nugget" as Denise would say. As Teal mentioned we did get to meet up in San Diego for a little visit. It was so nice to see someone from home. LA is heating up so I think I will be going to the beach a lot more. It sounds like everyone is having a successful summer thus far. Until next time...

1 comment:

allyson said...

girl you are so lucky!!! I think it would be fun to meet random celebs!