Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Home Stretch

Wow...only two more weeks to go here in LA. I can honestly say that I will be very sad when I have to leave here. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was loading up the car to drive into the great smog cloud that is LA. We had a UM reunion of sorts last weekend when Owen, Rob and I went with a few other friends to the beach in Malibu. It was awesome to see those guys. They say that apart from the rats in the kitchen at the frat house they live in they think LA rocks. The Late Late Show is booking some amazing guests for September. I have seen the whole process of the show: from pre-booking interviews to booking meetings to editing to live show production. I love being in the middle of that process and taking it all in. Some of the people that work here have won emmys for their efforts. It inspires me to work harder to produce quality work. I am working in the Green Room where all the guests for the show eat and wait before they go on air. It is good to work on my communication skills while being in such a professional setting.

Until next week...

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